Monday, January 23, 2012

Email Pre-Overdue Courtesy Notifications

East Central Regional Library is now offering pre-overdue email notices for all patrons with a valid email address. Can you remember when your items are due? Would you like to save on fines and never have overdues again?

In late December 2011, ECRL starting sending patron's courtesy reminders via email 3 days before their items were due. This gives you time to either find the item sand return them or renew them.

If you are not already receiving these pre-overdue courtesy notices from East Central Regional Library, all we need is a valid email account from you. Patrons may sign up for this service on the ECRL Online Catalog.

Follow the following steps to complete the process:

1. Click on My Account.

2. Enter your username and password

3. Click on change email address

4. Enter your current password and new email address

5. Click Submit

6. Click on Account Preferences from the Menu at the top

7. In the drop down menu under Default Hold Notification Method, choose email only

8. You will now receive your pre-overdue courtesy notification notice and your hold notices via email.

Call your local ECRL branch if you need assistance.

Vickie Sorn
Youth & Community Services Librarian

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Internet protest over Congressional bills

You may be wondering why if you go to Google today, you'll see a black square, and a message about censoring the web. If you go to Wikipedia, you'll find that the site is blacked out today, in protest over potential legislation that some say would limit access to the web and the information it holds. Many other sites and blogs are blacked out today in an organized online protest.

Libraries stand for protecting individuals' First Amendment rights that support open access to information. The American Library Association (ALA) has put together a chart of the 3 copyright-related bills that are currently in play at the start of 2012: PIPA, SOPA, and OPEN Act.

ALA states the organization's position on the bills:
. . . all of which take aim at any website beyond U.S. borders that distribute counterfeit or copyright infringing products. All three bills operate under the assumption that there is a problem that needs to be solved – and the best, or only, way to combat online infringement overseas is with more law targeted at foreign websites. These bills have the potential to negatively impact fundamental library principles. The following chart is for quick reference (not meant to be comprehensive), and outlines the primary issues and concerns of interest to the library community and those who use the Internet,
Link to the ALA comparative chart:

Barbara Misselt, Director