Monday, July 13, 2009

Minnesota Video Vault

Sharing with you this announcement about an unbelievable new online resource:
From Keith Ewing, Saint Cloud State University and the Minnesota Digital Library:
Twin Cities Public Television (TPT) has released the Minnesota Video Vault. The vault provides access to hundreds of videos and TPT productions, from short clips to lengthy shows. The "Educators" button allows you to sort by very broad K12 areas (e.g., Social Science, Science, or Language Arts), then focus by "grade level," then "strand" (e.g., Minnesota History or US History), and then by "sub strand" (e.g., under the Minnesota History "strand" you can select "sub strands" like the "Civil War and Dakota War" or "Contact and Fur Trade"). The "Interest Areas" button provides a more immediate breakdown by history, people, places, MN issues, arts & entertainment, and special collections, with further topical subdivisions beneath that. This is a terrific resource, of special value to schools and educators, but also for everyone interested in Minnesota and regional history (although the content goes far beyond Minnesota).
Online at
I'm amazed at all the quality viewing available. Here's a sample of my favorites:
  • Dakota Conflict (the film shown for the Cambridge Reads event)
  • Tales of the Road: Highway 61, Almanac with Cathy Wurzer
  • American Experience Series
  • Antiques Roadshow
  • Great Performances
  • America at War
  • Nova
Barbara Misselt, Director

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